Benefits of Simplicity

Modern society celebrates complexity – do more, buy more, go faster. It’s a message we hear every day from all directions. And while we can push ourselves to leave no stone unturned, I think that’s missing the true value life has to offer. It’s not about doing more; it’s about doing better. Quality over quantity. If you just skim the surface, you’re missing the real awesomeness in your life.

Social media and our technology-focused lives allows us to see snapshots of the fun and excitement others are having, and we wonder if we can find the same excitement by doing the same things. But we forget that we are not them. Not that we wouldn’t have fun on that beach vacation or remodeling or house (or whatever might be going on), but we forget to ask ourselves if that’s what we really want.

When we stop to take a breath and explore what we really want from life, a new path opens to us…a path of simplicity. At its core, simplicity offers us a way of curating a life of things we really want. Not what others think they want. And when we focus on just the things that will uniquely add value to our life, holy smokes – it’s gonna get awesome!

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So, what are some of the benefits that a life of simplicity can offer?

  1. Reduced Stress and Overwhelm: When you streamline your daily routines, declutter your physical space, and simplify your commitments, you reduce the stress and overwhelm that often accompany an over-stuffed lifestyle. A simpler approach to life can lead to a sense of calm and peace that is hard to find in a world of distractions and demands.

  2. Enhanced Clarity: Simplicity encourages focus and clarity. When you focus on what truly matters, your mind becomes clearer and more efficient. You’re not distracted by the glitz of what others have going on. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider new things in life (there is definitely value in expanding your horizons), but simplicity offers you a framework for evaluating whether new things meet the criteria for inclusion in your life. This clarity can help you make better decisions, set and achieve meaningful goals, and maintain a strong sense of purpose in your life.

  3. Improved Health & Well-Being: A simpler lifestyle may involve a focus on healthier eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep…even if we don’t show it every day, taking care of yourself is central to living a good life (particularly long term).

  4. Financial Freedom: When you live within your means, avoid unnecessary expenses, and prioritize saving and investing, you'll experience greater financial security. You'll have the freedom to pursue your passions and interests without being tied down by excessive debt or trying to keep up with your neighbors.

  5. Stronger Relationships: In a simpler life, you have the time and energy to invest in your relationships. By prioritizing quality over quantity, you can nurture deep and meaningful connections with family, friends, and loved ones. Simplicity often means slowing down and savoring the moments you spend with others, which can lead to more fulfilling and lasting relationships.

  6. Environmental Awareness: Simplicity often goes hand in hand with a reduced environmental footprint. By consuming and wasting less, you can contribute to a healthier planet. This sense of environmental consciousness can lead to a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction, knowing that you're doing your part to protect the environment for future generations.

  7. Increased Creativity and Productivity: A simple life allows for more focus. By eliminating distractions and reducing the clutter in your life, you'll find it easier to pursue the things that fit with your passion.

  8. More Time for Self-Care: With so much filling your days, it’s easy to neglect yourself. Whether that’s afterschool activities multiple days per week, going above and beyond for your boss, or trying to stay current in the social scene, our complex and fast-paced society encourages more. Simplicity, though, allows you to carve out time for self-care and personal reflection. Whether it's reading a book, enjoying a walk, or just doing nothing, these moments of self-care pay big dividends for the mind, body, and spirit.

  9. Greater Contentment: Simplicity encourages you to appreciate what you have. This shift in perspective can lead to a greater sense of contentment and gratitude in the here and now. You'll find happiness in the simple pleasures of life, and you don’t have to spend effort trying to keep up with someone else’s brand of staying busy.


Embracing simplicity can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life that is centered on what truly matters to you. Consider how you can incorporate simplicity into your own life and join the growing group of people who have realized the great benefits it can offer.


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